Questions tagged [sociology]

For questions about the collective behavior of relatively large groups of people.

18 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Publicly available social networks in apes and hunter-gatherer societies

Social network analysis is an indiscpensable tool for sociology, and is becoming increasing popular in anthropology, social-psychology and other fields. There are many papers that examine the ...
Artem Kaznatcheev's user avatar
4 votes
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Analysis of psychology/sociology of fashion?

I'm looking for some good place to start read about sociology of fashion. I guess there are some researches about why people "invented" fashion and is it some natural for human as a biological species ...
Paul's user avatar
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Appropriate age grouping for studying linguistic development

I am publishing a survey on a crowdsourcing platform to study how people of different ages perceive certain aspects of non-literal language. The platform allows me to target people with ages in ...
hyperio's user avatar
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Differences between baseline trust of stranger across cultures

When encountering a new person, does the baseline level of trust (thinking the new person is "good") and it's change as result of new evidence, vary across cultures? I can imagine controlling for ...
Seanny123's user avatar
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Do psychological effects of sex discrimination have measurable effects on police-officer safety or productivity?

I would assume that sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace are correlated with workers' productivity and self-reported sense of well-being. I am not particularly familiar with the ...
bdb484's user avatar
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Estimated distribution of maximal cliques in international social networks

Let a clique be a subset of the vertices of an undirected graph such that every two distinct vertices in the clique are adjacent. Let a maximal clique be a set of vertices that is a clique and also a ...
Galen's user avatar
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~20% threshold for perceiving minority populations as "others"?

Many years ago I read an article that said something along the lines of minority populations stop being "noticed" when they cross a threshold of something like 20%. Below 20% or so they are perceived ...
emmby's user avatar
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How are role and behaviour connected?

Let us look at definitions first. A role (also rôle or social role) is a set of connected behaviors, rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms as conceptualized by people in a social situation. It ...
Ignat Insarov's user avatar
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Shipbuilding experiment about leader selection

I heard about an international research that was conducted more than 25 years ago. The following was the experiment: 25 teams, eight members per team, each team member with the same nationality had ...
Mate Gulyas's user avatar
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Literacy and other traits of social network users vs. the larger society

Have sociological researches been made on the levels of literacy, culture, shared ethical values among the users of the many existing social networks compared to the larger national societies the ...
Self-teaching worker's user avatar
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Effect of enactive cognition on gender

I'm doing a PhD in archaeology and assyriology (cuneiform writing; Sumerian language), exploring the process of gendering that deities underwent during the 3rd millennium BC. I'm looking into using ...
Monica Palmero's user avatar
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How can we gain public Empathy?

I'm investigating how empathy operates within groups, focusing on identifying the specific factors that initiate and maintain collective empathy. What key components are essential for triggering and ...
george orwell's user avatar
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Do people really become more reserved in cities, if so why?

The rapid tempo of life in a city was such that people needed a "protective organ" to insulate them from the external and internal stimuli. According to Simmel, the metropolitan "...
tryst with freedom's user avatar
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Does the cohesion of groups stem from the need to be observed?

Morpheus is a fictional AI prototype appearing in the videogame Deus Ex. Interestingly, during in-game conversations, Morpheus says: "The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by ...
BGa's user avatar
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Is the negative correlation between (higher) moral judgement and authoritarianism and/or ethnocentrism confirmed?

I found an interesting 1989 study by van Ijzendoorn [negatively] correlating the level of moral judgment, measured using Kohlberg dilemmas, with some measure of authoritarianism and another of ...
the gods from engineering's user avatar
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How would I conduct a sociological study on hair bias?

For my intro to sociology class, I’d like to do a mock study about how strongly people associate specific categories of common hairstyles with economic status and racial identity. My problem is I’m ...
SocioEcoPsychoEpistoEpiphelol's user avatar
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What is the correlation coefficient between household wealth and educational attainment?

Educational attainment being years of education. I'm looking for r or r^2. Preferably in a western, anglophone country like the US or England.
BigMistake's user avatar
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Possibility of a global consciousness

I am not sure if this site is the right place to ask this question but I believe this is the closest that stack exchange has to offer, so I am posting it here. The human brain is a complex organ ...
Chandrahas's user avatar