Questions tagged [social-neuroscience]

For questions about the effect of social processes on the brain and the neural basis of social cognition and behaviour.

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Are there any methodological challenges to study real-time social interactions?

If the emotion of fear (for example) has evolved so that humans can react in an adapted way to danger, why would we be afraid in a laboratory setting, and would this fear be similar to that we ...
4 votes
0 answers

Which is the actual scientific position on the expression of human emotions?

According with Darwin's “Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals”: specific emotional states seek to appear on each human being - even on blind people - , with no differences of cultures. ...
4 votes
1 answer

Where to find a study on women and selfies?

I have recently read the following Yahoo article: Guys, this is why you should never post too many selfies on social media. This article describes a study that correlates selfies taken by men and ...
0 votes
1 answer

A measure of how personally people take critisism

This is my first post to Cognitive Sciences, i'm a Biologist by trade. In Biological sciences, I have noticed more and more that people take criticism very personally. If I were to criticize a ...
1 vote
0 answers

What is the key elements that make westerners have some better characteristics over asian [closed]

I want to get your ideas or any suggestions of references (books, articles..) that I can read to help me answer this question: We all know that westerners are more open while Asian people are more ...
1 vote
0 answers

Gratitude and Affection

If a person X has gratitude towards person Y, will that cause bias of affection for X towards Y ? Can there be a case that X tend to be more affectionate to a person Z to whom X has less gratitude ...
5 votes
1 answer

Would administering oxytocin in games of deception improve performance?

As well as facilitating parturition, the hormone oxytocin is thought to mediate "prosocial behaviour" in mammals. It’s been a while since I have read the literature, but I am aware there is robust ...
6 votes
1 answer

What causes introverts to lose "energy" in social settings and require recovery afterwards?

Over the years I've seen numerous articles about introverts that mention that they dislike large social interactions (meetings, parties, etc) because they drain their energy. These articles mention ...