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Questions tagged [reaction-time]

For questions regarding the elapsed time between a given stimulus and a response, testing this value, and interpreting the results in light of processing

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Seeking experiments that are the basis of the 100-step limit

I've read many times of the 100-step limit: since people respond to most complex stimuli in under 500 ms, and neurons take about 5 ms (or more) to switch state in response to a new stimulus, the ...
Ben Kovitz's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Different kinds of reaction time

During a physics experiment at school we needed to determine the velocity of a car by using a stopwatch to measure the time it took to cross a line. We were told to calculate the uncertainty of the ...
ordptt's user avatar
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1 answer

Transforming Response-Time Data for normal distribution?

I am a psychology student and currently working on my master thesis. I have developed an experimental paradigm (Dot-Probe Paradigm) in which participants have to react to words, that are presented on ...
Aliki Gogou's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the time needed to process information?

I read that the mind requires half a second to process visible info, so we see the world that existed half a second ago, right? I suppose this time has a certain range, due mainly to the age of the ...
charlie's user avatar
  • 119
3 votes
1 answer

Are dedicated response boxes really better in precision than regular keyboards?

There are various (very pricey) commercial response boxes or pads (perhaps most notably Cedrus) that purportedly offer higher precision than regular keyboards. (Note that my question focuses on ...
gaspar's user avatar
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1 answer

How can the uncertainty relation be exceeded in hearing?

Majka et al. (2015) [PDF] shows that some trained people can discern pitch differences faster than the uncertainty relation permit. How can this be possible? Abstract The human hearing sense is an ...
David Jonsson's user avatar
0 votes
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reaction time beween congruent and incongruent tasks using audio and vsiual modality

I am writing an experimental report in cognitive psychology, where I am finding the reaction time between congruent and incongruent tasks when I am using two different modalities- auditory and visual. ...
may's user avatar
  • 1
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Analysis of reading times data based on residual reading times or rather log-transformed reading times

After reading the article by Enochson and Culbertson (2015), I found out that reaction times elicited via self-paced reading tasks should be analyzed based on the residual reading times if the ...
amp's user avatar
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Are there any ways to naturally speed up my reaction speed without any drugs?

I play a lot of video-games and did some research online and came to the conclussion that a certain set of things are linked to an above average reaction speed and an general improved cognitive ...
Memnon Giagos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How many participants are needed for online reaction time studies?

I am a Master's student focusing on psycholinguistics and I am preparing for my thesis. What I will be looking at are register effects and for that I will be conducting 2 online experiments using Ibex ...
rhododendron's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

May somebody use oddball paradigm solely for psychophysical studies?

I'm an undergraduate linguistics student with a strong interest in cognitive psychology of visual attention. Nowadays, I'm studying on an undergraduate research project in which I'm planning to use ...
Postmodern Knight's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Dissecting human reaction time

It's claimed that the average human reaction time in response to a visual stimulus is 0.25 seconds ( This article by Mcleod (1987) may be a better, ...
MarielS's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Are reaction time and memory physiological measure or behavioral observation?

I think that the choice made by a subject in a choice task should be behavioral observation. But I am not sure about reaction time and memory, which is more about ability instead of intention.
Aqqqq's user avatar
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I want to find event1 in my EEG data, followed by event2 and then extract reaction time between them

Bubbles's user avatar
3 votes
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How to fit an ex-wald distribution model with R?

I'm working on reaction time data. I want to fit the data with an ex-wald model but I only found one paper which interpreted the fitting with S. But I don't know S. Are there any ways to fit the RT ...
Yujian's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does a general impairment test exist, that specifically would be useful for the context of driving?

We know that alcohol negatively influences a driver's ability to drive. Governments typically combat this by making drunk driving illegal, and use the concentration of alcohol in breath or blood as ...
dwjohnston's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to analyze reaction choice experiments?

What are the state-of-the-art approaches to analyze reaction choice experiments? Example of a reaction choice trial: Fixation cross (randomized length between 500 and 1500ms) Choice stimulus: ...
thando's user avatar
  • 173
3 votes
2 answers

Does this rdists package provide actual (predicted) response time for each observation?

With the help of other packages, I've estimated Drift Diffusion model parameters of my data. Now, I want to estimate the predicted (or actual) response times for each observation with the help of ...
Samir's user avatar
  • 31
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0 answers

What is Reaction time method? [closed]

I'm having some trouble with understanding Reaction Time (RT) method. I have a hypothesis that M occurs at B where M is a mental activity and B is a location in the brain. To verify it, I want to ...
Darae-Uri's user avatar
  • 121
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Shape versus numbers [closed]

Do adults recognise numbers or shapes quicker? Have there been any studies on this? If an adult was asked to press a corresponding button when presented with a shape or number, which would they ...
Gabs's user avatar
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How to get started with the glba R-package?

I am struggling with getting started using the glba package in R. Often, the program will not fit the data at all. It immediately converges, but not really, and then instead of estimating it gives ...
Nachshon Meiran's user avatar
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Syncing up CPT device with EEG recording

I'm working on setting up an EEG experiment that will be going through a battery of various cognitive tasks. One of the tests is a Continuous Performance Task and to conduct that we'll be using a ...
Jokyo's user avatar
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Timing accuracies for displaying frames and recording response times?

There are a few open-sources tools available to run psychology experiments. However, some are working in a browser. Do we know how precisely they can record response times? Also, can we present a ...
Denis Cousineau's user avatar
6 votes
11 answers

What experiment in a simple decision task should we run to obtain one million trials?

Context: Models of cognitive processes require very large datasets to be fitted. Sadly, it is difficult for a single laboratory to achieve this alone. I propose that we work collectively and ...
Denis Cousineau's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Where can I obtain a button box for reaction-time measurements under a Windows OS?

I need a button box / response box to hook up with a laptop computer and Windows Operating System for a reaction time study. A simple box will suffice and I do not need more than two buttons. I need a ...
Robert's user avatar
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how to comprehensively assess three areas of cognition (attention, reaction-time, memory) on a daily, personal basis, preferably online,? [closed]

I am attempting to figure out a battery of tests that I can perform on myself on a daily/weekly basis to test whether any intervention I attempt on myself actually improves my cognitive performance. ...
alpha_989's user avatar
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Changing Voluntary to Involuntary by will

As we all know, certain actions like, blinking of eye breathing all happen involuntarily, and we have the option to control them voluntarily as well(holding breath etc..) when needed. But, once we ...
Snazzy Sanoj's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How fast can the brain react in order for someone to pull a trigger?

Just out of curiosity, regardingly highly unlikely situations of ever needing to disarm someone - using neuroscience to make informed self defence decisions: How fast can the brain recieve a visual ...
J.Todd's user avatar
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2 answers

How can reaction times be measured, and what affects it?

I was playing pinball the other day, and I wasn't doing very well - my reactions were far too slow it seemed. My question is - Firstly - how can someone's reactivity measured/determined? I imagine ...
dwjohnston's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Analysis of RTs when speed-accuracy trade-off leading to ceiling accuracy has occurred

I know that it is not desirable for behavioural data to show a (within-subjects) speed-accuracy trade-off, as it can lead to e.g. the wrong interpretation of a single subject's decreased RTs as ...
z8080's user avatar
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7 votes
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Are there any free online questionnaire/survey sites that also measure the time it takes for participants to answer each question?

I'm doing a research experiment where I'm trying to measure the time it takes for participants to answer certain questions in an online questionnaire/survey. More specifically, I will be asking ...
RoryMc's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How do people respond to auditory warning signals?

I am working on a literature review of total reaction time to an auditory alert, in a transport context. All of the literature I can find about perception-response times are in the context of visual ...
Krysta's user avatar
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What to do when you have a speed-accuracy trade-off in your data?

Many studies report that a speed-accuracy trade-off (SATO) did not occur in the data since there is a positive correlation between RTs and error rates. In other words, people took longer to respond ...
z8080's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Should raw response time data be transformed?

I am a statistician and doing some data analysis in cognitive sciences. I noticed that the distribution of response time (RT) is chisq-squared-like, and I want to do Box-cox transformation to make it ...
user3800977's user avatar
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How many trials are needed to estimate a response time distribution?

I want to estimate the properties of a response time distribution (mean, variance, tail-length) for individual subjects. How many samples (trials) do I need to collect to get reliable estimates? ...
Josh's user avatar
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Is there an extension of multinomial process models that incorporates response latencies?

In an experimental setting where a categorical response has to be given, the same response can, in theory, be generated by different latent processes. For example, in an experiment where participants ...
Pavel's user avatar
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1 answer

Button box for a reaction time study on OS X

I am running a language production study, and I want to collect reaction times. I am considering getting a button box, because I understand that my laptop (macbook pro) keyboard is not precise enough ...
nberlove's user avatar
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At what age do children typically reach adult reading speed?

A kid who just started to read puts a lot of effort in processing sentences. These efforts will decrease as he/she gets older and, at some point (around 12, 15?), will read as fast as an adult. Is ...
marsei's user avatar
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What are the neurological mechanisms behind risking one's own life for another?

Every so often, we hear of people who go that extra mile and put their life on the line (and sometimes, give their life) for another person - whether it is a loved one or a complete stranger (...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Does intoxication ever improve reaction time?

Background: As I write this I am rather "tipsy." I wanted to do some experiments and test my reaction time. I noticed that ironically, my reaction times were a lot quicker than when I am sober. Is ...
John's user avatar
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Correct measure of central tendency for reaction times analysis

I'd like to know what would be the less biased measure of central tendency to compare RTs in two conditions with a lot of trials (~700). Mean is really sensitive to outliers, and median really robust, ...
Clown's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there any (free) program that allows the recording of text input and the speed of input?

I am planning to run a study where participants will been shown questions on a computer monitor and their task is to type their responses in a text box as quickly as they can. Their input and input ...
Alex's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Images on personal computers - Which aspect of size to keep constant?

For various reasons we're doing a reaction time study involving images that runs on unstandardized equipment: patients' personal computers (unless they don't meet certain requirements). It's not about ...
Ruben's user avatar
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4 answers

Improving Speed of Thinking

What are some ways one can improve his/her speed of thinking and reasoning ? I am looking for some easy to follow strategies that can be systematically applied. (I am presuming it can be learnt/ ...
Shan's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Analysis of parameter estimates from Ratcliff diffusion model

I would like to analyze a dataset in which subjects' reaction time and error rate have been recorded. In order to account for potential speed-accuracy trade-off I am planning to make use of the ...
jokel's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Is there an R implementation of the linear ballistic accumulator model or Ratcliff's diffusion model for measuring response time and accuracy?

I am looking for an implementation of the linear ballistic accumulator model or Ratcliff's diffusion model (e.g. in R, MATLAB, or Python).
jokel's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

How to measure group differences incorporating reaction time / accuracy trade-off?

In a psychological experiment I am measuring subjects' reaction time as well as their error rate. Now I would like to compare two groups (males & females). There might be a bias in the sense that ...
jokel's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

How to analyze reaction times and accuracy together?

Is there a good way to analyze reaction times and accuracy together, other than MANOVA? I have data from an experiment in which participants had to respond to stimuli in two different conditions in a ...
Pavel's user avatar
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