Questions tagged [political-psychology]

An interdisciplinary academic field dedicated to understanding political science, politicians and political behavior through the use of psychological theories.

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and Social-dominance orientation (SDO) in the World Values Survey

Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and Social-dominance orientation (SDO) are two measures often used in (social) psychology studies on political orientation, see e.g. a meta-analysis of Sibley and ...
the gods from engineering's user avatar
3 votes
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Individual political belief test (Social and Economic Conservatism/Liberal)

I'm looking for a framework (question types) to estimate the political belief of participants. The survey will then be given to people from different parts of the world, but mostly occidental. The 12 ...
gagarine's user avatar
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Is there a correlation between social justice awareness and "social inclusivity"?

I am curious to what extent social justice awareness translates to a personal level. "Social justice awareness" is a basic understanding of the challenges faced by various minorities (race, ...
Quantum Prospector's user avatar
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Do grammatical differences in language affect politics?

I tried very hard to find references on this in Google Scholar and Web of Science, but I fear I don't have enough experience with this area. My partner is great at Spanish, and informed me that in ...
lifer's user avatar
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Survey Kits for Political Affiliation?

Are there any widely used suites for measuring a subject's political views? Looking for something commonly cited beyond web quiz time sink quality.
Layman's user avatar
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