Questions tagged [political-psychology]

An interdisciplinary academic field dedicated to understanding political science, politicians and political behavior through the use of psychological theories.

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5 votes
2 answers

Name of the psychological phenomenon of doing something just because you've already started doing it?

I feel like people really often do things just because they've​ already started doing it. One example could be the Electronic Evidence of Sales just established in Czechia. It's a system monitoring ...
Probably's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Are there psychological explanations for people being drawn to neo-nazism or other bad ideologues?

Are there psychological explanations for people being drawn to neo-nazism or other bad ideologues? Since surely the people are not believing in them for no reason. But what is it that they try to ...
mavavilj's user avatar
  • 215
6 votes
1 answer

Physiological differences between brains of Conservatives and Liberals

I work for a non-profit research organization and I have been assigned to do research on this topic. I have been doing my best to find studies on this topic but every website and article seems to ...
Vahagn Karmir Karapetyan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the most accurate name for the effect where people find excuses for flaws by leaders?

A lot of the time, especially in political behaviour, people are likely to ignore the flaws of a leader or in some cases to somehow spin some bizarre positive angle. For example, corruption of public ...
Chayu Damsinghe's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Does denying climate change work similar to believing the earth is flat?

I have a vague idea how believing in a flat earth may work. (Not enough to write it down) But it still irritates me that an appreciable fraction of the general population in the US deny that climate ...
Volker Siegel's user avatar