Questions tagged [phobia]

For questions about specific phobias, general phobias, treatments for them, and the cognitive bases for their existence

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How do you call the effect of intense disgust when faced with (something)?

Phobia is defined (Wikipedia, DSM-5) as [the] persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. It seems that psychiatrists do not classify as phobia reactions of intense disgust or repulsion,...
WoJ's user avatar
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What is the "nails on a chalkboard" response?

Everyone is familiar with the squirmy, muscle-clenching response to hearing nails on a chalkboard. But I have known people to have this same response to other stimuli, such as: Velvety fabrics ...
Dan's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the fear of having regrets called?

What is the clinical name of fear of regrets? I'm thinking of something like arachnophobia or something ending with the prefix "-phobia" could it be something like apóleiafovía? (the literal ...
Marcus Rost's user avatar
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When does a fear of something constitute a phobia?

Obviously, not all phobias are made equal. There are some 'phobias' that involve things that are normally do inspire fear in others (such as, famously, spiders). Honestly, I never understood why being ...
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What are the possible causes of coulrophobia?

Most sources on the internet say that coulrophobia is caused due to the unfamiliar face which often triggers fear to people (who suffer from it). What can be some other causes?
Tapi's user avatar
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How can we get to know about the phobia of walk? [closed]

I want to know how to tackle someone suffering from phobia of walk. It sounds weird that anyone can be suffering from the fear of walk
Shivank Mittal's user avatar
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Which mental illnesses are probably natural? [closed]

Which states of mind that are classified as mental illnesses might be a natural and useful part of our brains? For example, some evolutionary biologists have suggested that some types of depression ...
zooby's user avatar
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What is a phobia against babies or kids called?

I have heard about people that experience fears for other people, or groups of people; for example a fear for babies. Is this a recognized pathologocal condition, or is it just a form of antisocial ...
nk379's user avatar
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Are social phobia cases on rise, being the Internet and mobile phones with cameras the main cause for their rise?

That's an hypothesis I have, that I believe makes plenty of sense, anyway I haven't found any article about that, although it's not like my search has been exhaustive. I mean, years ago, on the case ...
user2638180's user avatar
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Is fear of darker skinned people a shared psychological maladaptation brought on by subconscious childhood Achluophobia?

Let me be clear that my intentions here are peaceful in light of recent race relation issues in the United States; I want to bring this issue to the forefront, because fear of dark skinned people is ...
leeand00's user avatar
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4 answers

Why are so many people arachnophobes (afraid of spiders)?

Why are so many people arachnophobes (have an extreme fear of spiders)?
Galabyca's user avatar
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Why I dont like music? [closed]

I'm not sure, if I'm alone, but I never liked music, any kind of music. It never made me happy or sad. Actually it never ever had any effects on me right from my childhood days. My iPod(received as a ...
Stranger's user avatar
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What is the name of the phobia of dams? [closed]

I have a friend who has a terrible fear of dams, water reservoirs, jetties or bridges with big blocks on water; in general, a fear of large buildings on water. He often tells me that he imagines a ...
Tomi's user avatar
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7 votes
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A definition of hatred towards your own nation

There are such things as xenophobia, nationalism, etc. In other words, various forms of hating and diminishing the foreign and the foreigners. My question is, is there a term meaning hatred and ...
Highstaker's user avatar
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Is fear of parasites an explanation for trypophobia?

Trypophobia is the alleged pathological fear of objects with irregular patterns of holes, such as beehives, ant hills and lotus seed heads. I find some sample pictures that relevant to ...
user626528's user avatar
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Why is Mr. Monk unsure?

One of the funniest and most psychologically intriguing characters on TV (in my opinion) is Adrian Monk. If you don't know who he is, I highly recommend watching the TV show. It's called "Monk&...
DanielTA's user avatar
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What are the neurological and psychological bases for chromophobia

According to this amusing, yet informative Cracked article, Phobia-source article and Chromophobia: do you have a fear of colours website, chromophoba is a fear of bright colours. This condition is ...
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7 votes
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Is there any empirical support evaluating the fast phobia cure?

There have been several papers going against the effectiveness of NLP. One aggregate paper is referenced in the Wikipedia article on NLP, namely Witkowski (2010). However, NLP seems to encompass a ...
Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn's user avatar
4 votes
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What are the neurological mechanisms for a fear of heights when atop a building, but not in a plane?

A fear of heights (or acrophobia), can be debilitating (I know it can be for me). My question is what is the neurological mechanisms that cause a fear of heights in a tall object such as a skyscraper ...
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What is the neurological mechanism behind the "fear of failure"?

Sometimes, the fear of failing at something can be debilitating, and more often than not present a barrier for that person to even try new things - the locus of the fear can be quite different between ...
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