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Questions tagged [mnemonic]

For questions about learning devices which present information to the brain in such a way that it is more easily absorbed into long term memory

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26 votes
2 answers

Are spaced flashcards effective for learning?

Several apps and sites offer flashcard-based learning that repeat the cards you do poorly on over a period of time (the more inaccurate the answer the closer to each other the repetitions are). One ...
Chris S's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Compared efficiency of different spaced-repetition memorisation techniques

Spaced repetition is a memorization technique that works by reviewing question/answer pairs according to a schedule that depends on performance. Be it software or paper flashcards, there are various ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Are mnemonics by creating associations good for memory?

I read a book which says that to remember the lists of arbitrary objects, we should take a well-known ordered list (so that you know what is on the first place, what is on the second) and associate ...
Val's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Encoding of abstract concepts in memory

When you read a book and you want to remember it you can encode the information into mental pictures with associations. This is a technique for remembering the content. The problem is when you ...
xralf's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why are visualizing mnemonics usually wacky?

Why are mnemonic visualization techniques often characterized by their eccentricity? It has been suggested to me that when employing these methods, such as the Major System, I should conjure up images ...
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

visual memory improvement for mnemotecnics (method of loci)

I have used the method of loci(art of memory/memory palace) in the past and I was able at the end to memorize a deck of shuffled 48 cards in 20 minutes but I had a very bland capacity for ...
Chuck's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Pros & Cons of "Memory Palace" vs regular "Working Memory"

Hi I'm trying to understand the limitations of the techniques which "memory champions" employ, in comparison to say: working memory. Working memory seems quite limited, but it is at least ...
profPlum's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Improving backward item retention

I am trying to improve my performance in auditory backward retention tests. The task consists in trying to repeat in the reverse order the longest possible series of digits after hearing a series of ...
shamalaia's user avatar
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