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Questions tagged [lateralization]

For questions regarding the relationship of features to one side of the body or the other, e.g., handedness

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Is there a mechanism behind savantism shared by all savant cases (both congenital and acquired)?

Kim Peek (the real-life inspiration for Raymond Babbitt in Rain Man) had a spectacular case of savantism. He also had disabilities, like missing his corpus callosum and anterior commissure, leaving ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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Avoidance Vs. Procrastination? Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the go-no-go task

The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Ldlpfc) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmpfc) has been identified as having some positive functional correlation to procrastination. From what I ...
bmf's user avatar
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Why don't migraine headaches and auras consistently have opposite lateralisation?

A survey by Khalil et al. (2011) found that any aura lateralisation can be followed by any headache lateralization, although there was a tendency for headaches to be on the opposite side of the head ...
Angela Pretorius's user avatar
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Have there been any right-hemisphere-dominant split-brain-patients? [closed]

Do any case studies of right-hemisphere dominant individuals who have undergone a severance of the corpus callosum exist? Thanks.
Lysander Cox's user avatar
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Can drawing a duck define a person's hemispheric dominance?

When I was on 7th grade, our math teacher asked every one of us to draw a duck. In the class of 34 students, a large portion of the students drew a left-facing duck. The teacher said that it’s a ...
corgiiscute's user avatar
6 votes
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Difference in hemispheres when processing of somatosensory information

We know from many studies (see e.g. Taylor, 2009 for an empirical and experiential overview) that processing of information is massively heterogeneous with respect to hemisphere. How does this ...
watsonic's user avatar
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Brain Right hemisphere is random and left hemisphere is linear? really?

For long I've seen uncountable number of blogs, websites, tutorials, booklets about career-guide, self-improvement, meditation, parenting etc. claiming; "Right hemisphere loves to work random, ...
user avatar
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Is forward associated with right and backwards with left?

The following is an observation I made in an informal sample group of about 10 people. I am looking into understanding the behavior I observed. Here is the setting: On a computer keyboard there are ...
user1803551's user avatar
9 votes
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Does a split brain affect the inner voice?

In the Nature link provided, split brain reportedly alters the processing of sensory input (e.g., an aberrant performance on monocular visual tasks under laboratory conditions), and impairs motor ...
Amomum's user avatar
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2 answers

Is emotional processing lateralised in the brain?

It was easy for me to find that language processing is lateralised and that creativity/logic processing possibly not (against pop-psychology claims). But which is the current view hold by experts on ...
danilinares's user avatar
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How separate are the left and right hemisphere vasculature?

It appears as if there are communicating arteries between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, but it is difficult to grasp the larger picture. To what extent is the blood supply to each ...
artery's user avatar
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2 answers

How to test whether a person is Left-Eared or Right-Eared?

It is well-known that the majority of humans have left-right preferences when using their hands or feet. But it is perhaps less well-known that the same can be true for our eyes and ears. I once ...
ekhumoro's user avatar
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9 votes
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How common is alien hand syndrome?

The impression that I got from looking at a couple of articles on alien hand syndrome was that it was an extremely common or basically guaranteed result of getting a callosotomy to treat severe ...
Adam Strandberg's user avatar
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2 answers

What would happen if we cut the corpus callosum?

How would a two-halved brain work? If it would, could we still control things like motion, and would hearing, vision, and other senses still function?
Miguelgondu's user avatar
6 votes
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Can split-brain patients sleep like whales?

Regular split-brain patients still have some remaining connection between the hemispheres, but would it be possible for their hemispheres to fall asleep independent of each other? What about when not ...
Spork's user avatar
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Why do the hemispheres of the brain control the opposite sides of the body?

History of question: This previous question asked about both hemispheric specialisation and control of opposite sides of the body. The point was made that these are two very different questions. So ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of hemispheric specialisation in the brain?

What is the benefit or purpose of having different hemispheres of the brain contribute more to different cognitive processes?
AAM's user avatar
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The genetics of handedness

In response to these questions: Are there benefits to learning to write with your non-dominant hand? Spontaneous change of handedness I used myself as an example for spontaneous handedness change. ...
user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Are there benefits to learning to write with your non-dominant hand?

There are some articles on the web that recommend learning to write with your non-dominant hand to get in touch with your inner child or a higher power, increase your creativity and be more open-...
user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Training for the corpus callosum?

Since reading is done in the left hemisphere of the brain, does reading text in the left visual field train the corpus callosum? For instance, I am interested in knowing whether training may lead to ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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EEG correlates of handedness

Can any one suggest a good article about features of EEG of left-handed people? I was surprised when find that there are only few old articles about it. I find only one new article by Propper, Ruth ...
sviter's user avatar
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