Questions tagged [free-will]

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Does the disease model of addiction presume that free will exists?

I have been studying the disease model of addiction; and from what I have read here, free will is part of the disease model of addiction. That linked document cites the following: “Addiction Is a ...
Dennis Francis Blewett's user avatar
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What is willpower? Can it be called a "state"

I have read, quite a lot about willpower in the past year or so. It says that is: "willpower is the ability to resist short-term temptations in order to meet long-term goals.". Some say it's ...
maticlauko's user avatar
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how do the neurons get stronger physically? [closed]

I wanna know about the possibility of simulating the brain state physically to know about the possibility of getting an answer for (free will or random will) vs determinism in the future. so for the ...
Farhang Amaji's user avatar
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Free will and neuron firing

I have been reading a lot about free will and the most recent neuroscience experiments in that field. However, one way question troubles me to which I have never been able to find any study. We know ...
kfug's user avatar
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Do animals know about choices?

A mouse goes through a maze and gets to a T-junction. Does it "know" there is a choice to be made between left and right or does it just continue following it's nose? Perhaps using some heuristics? ...
zooby's user avatar
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Could human decision making have evolved from food finding?

One of the things human's do (and possibly other animals) is consider various options, imagine what they would be like, and then make a choice. This is called a "tree search". For example, "should I ...
zooby's user avatar
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Concept of Free Will [duplicate]

I was not really sure which stack exchange to post this question, however, this one suits well I am guessing. So assuming that the brain is just a carbon-based input/output calculator, and assuming ...
oakca's user avatar
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free will studies in long term decisoin making [duplicate]

this wikidepia article has a list of experiments and discussion around free will in neuroscience. One thing it notes is that there aren't studies focused on long term decision making in relation to ...
Anton's user avatar
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Volition v.s. Cognitive Control v.s. Motivational Salience

The concepts of volition, cognitive control, and motivational salience, seem quite similar. From the perspective of layman, they all seem to mean "the extent to which your goals influence your ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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2 answers

Do most people want to murder?

It seems like the most popular theory among philosophers and neuroscientists who believe in free will is something called free won’t. This basically means that we cannot will what we want to will, but ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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Can a person do things against their own will and be conscious of it at the same time? [duplicate]

I am a firm believer of the principle of free-will, but wanted to see if there was any examples(or case examples) of people knowingly doing things against their own will. I know that we can be ...
Iam Pyre's user avatar
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Are Free Will and Motivation related?

I'm aware of numerous experiments, like Stanford prison experiment, Milgram experiment which indicate that humans can act in ways opposite to their best intentions. For the purposes of this question,...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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Why is my mind working against me? [closed]

I have recently read that most of the thoughts in our head are automatically produced by our subconscious mind and that the conscious mind is there to focus on those thoughts or not. I wanted to ...
Shady Programmer's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Predictive Experiments on Neuroscience of Free Will

It seems to be very interesting that we can use modern neuroscience and cognitive science research to inform us about the ages-old question of free-will vs. determinism. The standard experiment was ...
Vakalate's user avatar
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