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What does need for dominance mean in the DSM?

What does "need for dominance" mean in the DSM? I believe (from wikiepdia) that it is the standin for a psychopathy diagnosis, given someone is APD. Suppose someone were antisocial and ...
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General lack of cognitive empathy disorder

Has there ever been a documented case or classification of a disorder where a person is unable to comprehend the fact that others do not know the same things they do, or that individuals do not know ...
0x777C's user avatar
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Reference for "Autistic traits may only emerge when social demands exceed capacity"?

I read on Twitter that It is documented in the DSM that Autistic traits may only emerge when “social demands exceed capacity” A quick search revealed that DSM probably stands for "Diagnostic ...
J..y B..y's user avatar
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What disorder might be considered opposite of the Histrionic Personality Disorder?

If a person might be considered the opposite of Narcissistic or having a Histrionic Personality disorder, what might it be called? For example, a person who feels a need to be unnoticed. Of course, I ...
elika kohen's user avatar
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DSM-5 Assessments for App (electronic) use [closed]

I'm a budding entrepreneur building an app in the health and wellness space. As a part of the onboarding and user journey experience, I'm thinking of incorporating all DSM-5 assessments in my app, ...
Kochar's user avatar
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research based criteria domain and DSM5

Is there any major difference between the two classification systems ? and why is there no awareness as of yet about research based domain for classifying mental disorders when it for the larger part ...
Radhika 's user avatar
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Borderline Personality Disorder vs Borderline Personality Organization

Most of psychoanalytic sources, including DSM, talks about Borderline Personality disorder and only disorder. Meanwhile Nancy McWilliams talks about Borderline Personality Organization. Also she ...
klm123's user avatar
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What is the approximate average duration of a SCID-5 interview for diagnosing winter depression?

What is the approximate average duration of a DSM-V structured clinical interview for diagnosing winter depression? I would be very grateful for the answer!
curious's user avatar
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What is the difference in meaning between introversion and at least some of the autism spectrum

"Introversion" as I've encountered it is at one end of a polarity in both Jungian preferences and the Big 5. It is at least in theory not seen as intrinsically pathological by psychologists, though it ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
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How are attachment styles linked to personality disorders

There are three different patterns of behavior in the so called strange situation in which the caregiver leaves the infant for a while and a stranger comes in the room. These behavioral patterns are ...
Borut Flis's user avatar
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Is there any empirical support to "chemical imbalance theory" for mental illness?

Has it been proved by measurement of chemicals in the brain that psychiatric disorders have either their origin or continuance due to chemical imbalance in the brain? I saw the documentary Diagnostic &...
Siju George's user avatar
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Where can I find the text of past DSM versions to visualize revision history?

I'm interested in building a data visualization to learn more about the history of the DSM. (I'm inspired by this visualization of the edit history of Darwin's "Origin of Species" by Ben Fry, as well ...
kradeki's user avatar
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Day and month of 1980 DSM-III publication

I cannot for the life of me find the exact date -- day, month, year -- for the original DSM-III publication. The Google Citation, Amazon info, APA page, and others only list 1980. Does anyone know? ...
Brindle Cruncher's user avatar
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"Dependence" in DSM-5

I've read with some interest and amusement the following first-hand account (2006) on the confusion surrounding the DSM-IV meaning of "dependence" : One of us (C.O.) was a member of the ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
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Why does SCID call itself "Structured" when by many accounts it's semi-structured?

The "S" in SCID officially stands for "Structured" as in Structured Clinical Interview for DSM. But as far as I can tell for the last three editions (5, IV and III), non-official sources (research ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar