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Questions tagged [categorisation]

The systematic organization of stimuli, cognitive processes, or theory; also, categorical models

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12 votes
2 answers

What is the most comprehensive system of describing human emotions or states of mind?

Reading about the human mind, I sometimes come across attempts to classify human emotions using various scales. The one that comes to mind most often is the 6 scale circle model shown below. Is ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Does correcting responses after feedback lead to better learning?

In a typical supervised learning experiment, one might present visual stimuli, e.g. faces, one after another and ask participants to classify each one into one of two categories, e.g. A and B. Usually ...
baixiwei's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Significance of 4 stimulus cards in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test?

I've reviewed the papers by Grant, D. A., & Berg, E. (1948) and Fey, E. T. (1951). These papers from what I was able to find, lay out the basis of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). There ...
willpower2727's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is the minimum angle off horizontal before a line visually appears inclined at first glance?

Here is a straight line, which visually looks like a straight line: At first look (lets say minimum 2–3 sec.) the line below looks straight, but after some time you can see that it is actually an ...
vasili111's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the relative importance of shape and color in object recognition?

Do people recognize objects faster when both shape and color are present? Can color introduce more cognitive load to identify the object? Let's say there is a row of icons. Users need to quickly (no ...
Anna Rouben's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Which Machine Learning classifiers do humans use?

Background: In many situations, people use to classify objects without knowing Machine Learning theory. For example, if small children see an unknown animal in the wild, (s)he tries to classify it as ...
sitems's user avatar
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1 answer

How to compare linear and categorical models of perceptual comparisons?

Say I have a confusion matrix of perceptual similarity data for stimuli drawn from an underlying continuous spectrum. Participants also learned to categorise these stimuli such that the spectrum is ...
Bronson's user avatar
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Combining unbiased hit rates

I am analysing data on an emotion perception task, where participants must decide if a given face is happy, sad, angry or fearful (essentially a forced choice between 4 options). I am confident that ...
Joni's user avatar
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0 answers

What functions does the brain perform to recognize a familiar object unconsciously? [closed]

Let's say a person's brain experiences how a vehicle/object looks for the very 1st time. It would require lot of attention/focus/processing to analyse the object, extract features and train its neural ...
max_entropy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Binary classification as a cognitive strategy?

Is there any research investigating whether the human cognitive system has a tendency to reduce complex systems or spectra of data in terms of binary contrast? There are many common-sense dual ...
Paul Langeslag's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

PTSD is an internalising disorder or mixed?

I am a bit confused. In an open access article (Caspi, et al. 2020), is the following — under Methods: Assessing Psychopathology (emphasis mine): [...] externalizing disorders (ie, attention-deficit/...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is there a criterion to distinct between a philia and a paraphilia?

The terms "Androphilia" and "Gynephilia" describe the two major romantic and/or sexual orientation/s of humans → towards "masculine" ...
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2 votes
1 answer

How to design psychology tests for concept formation?

I've read many papers on concepts, but their tests are sparsely described or abstractly mentioned. I want to test for classic, prototype and exemplar theories. How do you approach the problem? Some ...
sten's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Which parts of the brain are used when identifying and sorting email messages?

When most people view their email inboxes, they'll see several different types of messages; for example, emails which have been auto-generated by services we use, communications with real humans which ...
Ana's user avatar
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Is there any actual evidence for the common model of the "real you" and a separate section that contains all your weaknesses?

I have heard this model used or implied by multiple community sources, and some which have been endorsed; most will use different names for the two parts, for example the "subconscious" and &...
Mark Green's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

The differences between sensory distortions and hallucinations

So, the way I've understood it, "sensory disturbances" can be categorized as follows: Any sensory experience that isn't real goes under "sensory disturbances" in this diagram. If ...
A. Kvåle's user avatar
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Practical Suggestions for Ambiguous Stimuli for Categorization Experiment

Does anyone have a suggestion of the kind of stimuli I could use for a categorization experiment that needs a range of clearly defined and a range of ambiguous stimuli? I need to produce both a range ...
Ágatha's user avatar
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