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Questions tagged [bipolar-disorder]

For questions regarding the psychological basis of this disease featuring periodic bouts of mania and depression, its treatment, and pharmacological treatments for the condition

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Is Unipolar Mania possible?

People who are bipolar fluctuate between mania and depression. It's also possible to just have depression, whether chronic or episodic. Are there conditions like mania without depression not due to ...
R. Romero's user avatar
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relations between Mania an Favism?

I am not expert and can not understand correctly content of this article about G6PDD (Favism) and mania. please guide me In simple words,...
user32214's user avatar
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Schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder, how to make the right diagnosis?

How not to confuse a schizoaffective disorder and a bipolar disorder in the manic phase where the person experiences pseudo-hallucinations? In both cases, there are mood symptoms and schizophrenia. ...
Alice's user avatar
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searching for finding the Cognitive Cycle of psychological defence mechanism for bipolar disorders

I am searching for finding some pattern for bipolar disorder and online tracking the psychological defense mechanisms and its cycles . So I need some chart or flowchart like below (source): Also, I ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar
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Is it possible to have bipolar and aphantasia?

I've recently read this study An investigation of mental imagery in bipolar disorder: Exploring “the mind's eye” . One interesting thing in it is that "the BD group performed worse on the verbal ...
Pablo GM's user avatar
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High goal setting and bipolar disorder (BD): How someone diagnosed with BD can mitigate the risk of setting unrealistic goals?

I read the article Identify in bipolar disorder: self-worth and achievement; This paper opened my eyes about how people diagnosed with BD can set unrealistic or very hard to achieve goals. If the ...
Rodrigo Camargos's user avatar
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Are people with Bipolar Disorder always in a cycle?

I know that people with bipolar cycle between moods, say, roughly a few times a year, and I know that there's conditions like ultra-rapid cycling. But something I don't understand, particularly with ...
Crimson's user avatar
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What is the neurological basis for the association between Bipolar type 2 and autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

Bipolar disorder type 2 and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is regularly seen together. What is the neurological explanation for this?
user270124's user avatar
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What recreational drugs have especially negative interactions with bipolar disorder?

I'm trying to find out which recreational drugs have the biggest negative interactions with BD (bipolar disorder types I and II) but haven't been able to find strong research. I especially ...
Jeremy Hadfield's user avatar
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Why aren't any advancements being made in physically diagnosing Bipolar and other psychiatric disorders?

I was involved in a discussion where somebody had asked if others had thoughts of doing risky things during their manic episodes. Two people commented, including myself. I worried that only relying on ...
The Harmonic Rainbow's user avatar
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experimental tracking and treating bipolar disorder

Is there a way to measure what neurotransmitters (and in what amount) are present in a person via blood or other method? I feel like if such information was available there could be experiments ...
isabella citarello's user avatar
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Bipolar and paintings [closed]

A year ago or so I discovered a study where the power spectrum of paintings were compared among various painters from the past and present day. Among the present day painters there were bipolar, etc. ...
user221227's user avatar
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What is the neurological basis of bipolar disorder?

Many sources claim that bipolar disorder is associated with problems in the homeostasis of excitatory neurotransmitters. Is this true? What are the leading theories about neurological causes for ...
uhbif19's user avatar
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What effect can depression have on memory?

While a link has been shown that when a person is in a depressed episode there can be a negative effect on the individuals memory. (Hubbard et al, 2016). This shows that when a person is experiencing ...
Mr. Mcnut's user avatar
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What do depressants treat? Are they used in bipolar to treat mania?

I don't understand the Wikipedia article on depressants. This is what I have gathered: Depression and anxiety disorders are treated by antidepressants. Narcolepsy, ADHD, obesity, smoking addiction, ...
BCLC's user avatar
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What's the opposite of major depressive disorder?

Bipolar disorder, BD, involves manic episodes and depressive episodes. If someone has a depressive episode, that person may have major depressive disorder, MDD or BD. If someone has a manic episode, ...
BCLC's user avatar
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How do we know bipolar is one illness rather than two comorbid illnesses?

Based on my previous question about ADHD and OCD. Essentially, ADHD and OCD are kind of opposites in the sense that ADHD people (always? sometimes?) have dopamine deficiency and OCD people (always? ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Are ADHD and OCD under some type of mental illness?

Related to question. Mania, hypomania, depression and bipolar are mood disorders, from what I understand. Are ADHD and OCD under some category as well? From what I understand, the are opposite ends ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Can adhd and ocd coexist? Is it in the same way mania and depression can coexist (in bipolar disorder)?

Is it really possible for someone to have both ADHD and OCD? I was thinking that ADHD is the opposite of OCD: 1 2 from 1: alexThePotato: With ADHD you may be forgetful, distracted, make careless ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Are there any circumstances where schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are not lifelong?

It is known that psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar I, and bipolar II are for life, and require long term treatment (lifelong). Is this always the case? The answer could include ...
jiniyt's user avatar
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Are there any negative effects from hypnotherapy for bipolar disorder?

My wife has been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder and as her husband and care giver I'm trying to delve into both understanding this disease and being an intelligent guide to freedom from as many of ...
randomblink's user avatar
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Can bipolar develop in childhood?

Is it possible to develop bipolar in childhood? Does the same diagnostic criteria for bipolar in adults apply for children?
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SSRI Medications and Problem solving [closed]

I'm an Electronics Engineer and I work in Software Development. I'm on SSRIs, for years for different conditions, like bipoar, GAD, ..etc. I feel that my problem solving abilities really dropped ...
ahmed's user avatar
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Can bipolar disorder be considered a malfunction of the "love circuit" in the human brain?

I've not so long ago read a book on depression by a Russian psychiatrist Vladimir Levi. The book's title can be roughly translated as "Not only depression, but a pursuit of mood". I have not been able ...
Alex Stone's user avatar
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Can hypomania be induced by just thinking quickly and variably?

Emily Pronin and Daniel Wegner have shown that fast and variable thinking induces positive affect. This is independent of thought content. Sheri Johnson has noted that the key things that might start ...
NebulousReveal's user avatar
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Is there any "predictive" component to positive/negative affect in Seasonal Affective Disorder and Bipolar Disorder?

I'm wondering if the human brain "predicts" how certain weeks of the year should feel? For example, a child who is going to school may have a more positive affect in anticipation of summer holidays, ...
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