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Questions tagged [attribution]

Attribution is a concept in social psychology referring to how individuals explain causes of behavior and events.

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Defensive attribution vs Self-serving bias

What is the difference between "Defensive attribution" and the "self-serving-bias"? Both seem to involve a practice where one would attribute our failures to circumstances and our successes to ...
GambitSquared's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How might the "Imposter Syndrome" typology be reconciled with the robustness of the "self-serving bias"?

TL;DR What on Earth is going on in someone's head to invert a cognitive bias that is robustly observed in people who are psychologically healthy (Cohen's d = 1.28) and still present in depression (...
faustus's user avatar
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Manipulating behavior with External Attribution [closed]

A quick background on me. I am a mid level software engineer at a mid sized and growing software company (200+ engineers) I want to help our company's development department by encouraging the idea ...
DotNetRussell's user avatar
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How is "mislabeling" cognitive distortion different from "labeling"?

David Burns in his book Feeling Good describes "labeling and mislabeling" cognitive distortions: Personal labeling means creating a completely negative self-image based on your errors. It is an ...
Mirzhan Irkegulov's user avatar
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Are there international differences on how people react when they are guilty of something?

I talked about this with a friend: he told me that there are differences on how people react when they are accused of something. He mentioned that in some countries, people try to avoid it at any cost....
Red Banana's user avatar
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Why do people blame others rather than take responsibility?

In business classes we are told to be responsible and take responsibility for our action. Get mugged? Well, lock your door next time. That sort of thing. But that's not how most humans behave. Humans ...
user4951's user avatar
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Is there a cognitive bias for ascribing agency to inanimate objects?

I am curious to know if any research might have been done on this topic or if it is any way even described in scientific literature. It's not uncommon for people to ascribe agency to inanimate ...
Robert Kaucher's user avatar
20 votes
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Is there a range in time on which the mind detects correlation between events?

I've been searching for info on this but I'm usually finding unrelated information. My question is whether there is a time range in which our mind suspects that two events are correlated. For ...
Alpha's user avatar
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What is the relationship between self-perceptions and actual driving ability?

I've often heard it said that almost everyone thinks that they are a better than average driver. If this is true, it could be explained by a number of theories. Some of these are outlined in this ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar