Linked Questions

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2 answers

Is there scientific evidence that IQ tests measure intelligence? [duplicate]

IQ tests are quite popular, but they seem to be lacking a scientific proof confirming their accuracy of measuring ones intelligence. No matter how hard I've searched I haven't been able to find a ...
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Are psychological phenomenon real? [duplicate]

The symptoms that characterizes one as having a particular psychological phenomenon relies on a subjective analysis of a set of variables, e.g., imposter syndrome, it is not clear what constitutes &...
Malachi's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the difference between biological and artificial neural networks?

I read that neural networks are of two types: a) Biological neural networks b) Artificial neural networks (or ANN) I read, "Neural Networks are models of biological neural structures," and the ...
meowthecat's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Thinking, Fast and Slow vs. Mindfulness vs. Flow

I've been wondering how dual-process theory, which is described in Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking, Fast and Slow", relates to mindfulness and the state of being in the present moment and the flow ...
ThamP's user avatar
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What is the difference between social anxiety disorder and shyness?

It seems that there are similar symptoms shown by people who suffer social anxiety and shyness, but what is actually the main difference between them? Thank you.
Teguh Kurniawan's user avatar
9 votes
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Evidence of 'virtually limitless' long-term memory

In his paper, 'What do People believe about Memory?', Professor Svein Magnussen of University of Oslo claims: ... memory science is not aware of any limitation on the amount of information the ...
Tom's user avatar
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How can we realize when a sociological question is impossible to answer?

In my language there is a famous common sense statement which tells the populations are swinging back and forth from one extreme to the other. The idea behind is that, at a sociological level, the ...
Revious's user avatar
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What are the neurological differences between varying types of love?

It stands to reason that the biochemical cascade involved when a person experiences love, gives a feeling of well-being and drive. Studies in neuroscience have involved chemicals that are present ...
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What is the correlation between objective indexes and aggregated self-report measures of life satisfaction?

The Better Life Index and other indices seek to overcome the limitations of GDP in assessing social progress. They provide a composite score with which to rank nations on a range of indicators such as ...
Jeromy Anglim's user avatar
4 votes
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Rationale behind an “all-or-nothing” design for a test for the purposes of diagnosis and epidemology

In the Autism-Spectrum Quotient test, the subject is confronted with fifty statements such as: I don’t particularly enjoy reading fiction. I prefer to do things the same way over and over again. and ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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What Makes a Concept Good in Cognitive Science? [closed]

Are there any frameworks to evaluate the quality of a theoretic concept in cognitive science (ideally with references)? For social sciences I found the following: Gerring, J. (1999). What makes a ...
thando's user avatar
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