Are there any evolutionary explanations for how the social dominance orientation personality trait came into existence in humans and other animals?
Jim Sidanius suggests that the SDO trait may be genetically inherited through genes, but he doesn't describe the mechanism by which the SDO trait evolved in his Social Dominance Theory book. This study of 830 Croatian twins from the University of Zagreb, in Croatia, suggests that the SDO trait is genetically heritable. This study from Princeton Univerity also suggests that SDO is genetically heritable. But this other study suggests that variances in SDO are primarily environmental.
In his book, Different Gender, Frans De Waal suggests that mate guarding increases reproductive success by 10%, but he never describes mate guarding as a product of the social dominance orientation. De Waal only said that dominance hierarchies are the evolutionary product of the mate-guarding reproductive strategy. I think this is a plausible mechanism by which the SDO trait came into existence, but are there any other theories as to how the SDO trait came into existence?
I also think that the SDO theory is supported by evidence from another theory called Social Value Orientation, which suggests that people have different attitudes toward how economic resources are distributed. I think the SDO trait is one of the three types of social value orientations.
Some people have a pro-social value orientation and often seek altruistic redistributions of resources that would disadvantage them but benefit others. This prosocial value orientation could be explained by the somatic empathy trait having evolved out of joint parental child-rearing in mammals. I'm looking for similar evolutionary theories for the SDO trait.
Nevertheless, what are the evolutionary arguments for and against the SDO trait? And what are the evolutionary theories for SIT that could disprove the existence of an SDO trait?
And lastly, what are the various theories that explain the biological mechanism by which the SDO trait came into existence?