I am answering my own question since I found some scarce pieces of research regarding the topic in question. I hope some will find these finding worth reading.
The well-known researcher Michaer Schredl in his book Researching dreams: fundamentals mentioned the work of prof. G. William Domhoff. The quote is this
An object seen during the day can trigger the recall of a dream
including the same topic (Domhoff 1969)
The mentioned work is a piece in an edited volume "Milton Kramer, Roy M. Whitman. Dream psychology and the new biology of dreaming" (pages 199–217). The chapter is called "Home dreams versus laboratory dreams – Home dreams are better".
I could not find the fulltext of this research, but the following is possible for obtaining the informations
prof. Domhoff himself often cited this research in the works that
followed. And many of his works are reprinted at the site that he created DreamsResearch.net.
The link to the book above is to google books entry where preview is not available, but the search is
The the book Finding Meaning in Dreams: A Quantitative Approach (1996) Domhoff writes
Domhoff's (1969) naturalistic study of the factors involved in
everyday recall over a two-week period suggests recency and mundane
memory cues figure in a large portion of our total recall. Six male
and six female students at California State University, Los Angeles,
were recruited from the student employment office to record their
dreams and the events surrounding recall as soon as the dreams were
..... Non-morning recall
seemed to be related to one or both of two factors, neither of which
concerns dramatic intensity. First, minimal external cues seem to
suddenly bring back dreams in which the external cue triggering the
dream memory may play only a small part. Second, non-morning dream
recall seems to occur when the dream memories are in some way linked
to thoughts and associations the person is having in a relaxed,
sometimes daydreamy mood; often, as might be expected, he or she is
Domhoff also mentions extracts from the reports of some of the participants that is related to this phenomena of "cued recall". The following fragment illustrates this
Another male subject, telling a friend about his car, suddenly
remembered a dream in which the paint was peeling off the car. In this
case the recall was very fragmentary, consisting of two short images.
A female subject about to sit down in chemistry class, spotted a
friend and suddenly recalled in detail a dream about a person's
supposed failure in the chemistry laboratory. Another time this same
subject was watching a television ad about skiing that brought back a
skiing dream.
The descriptions of theses recalls are very similar to my experience.
Final quote is from the small screen found when searching in the google books entry
... In fact, combining these "cue" and "associational" factors with
length and recency, I would bet that spontaneously recalled dreams
comprise a fairly representative sample of typical dream life