
Suppose I am doing the laundry while simultaneously taking out the trash, so am carrying a bag of dirty clothes in one hand and a bag of rubbish in the other. I might be on autopilot where I lift up the lid of the garbage bin, throw my laundry into it and turn to walk away before then realising what I have done: thrown the wrong bag one into the bin i.e. "right idea, wrong object".

I know that it's some sort of inattention effect that is studied in cognitive psychology, but can somebody tell me what the correct name for this phenomenon is?

edit Dual-task interference is closer to the concept I'm looking for


1 Answer 1


The Stroop Effect is more for rapid-fire tasks and task switching.

Unconscious Thought Theory may be related.

Absent-mindedness can lead to automatic behaviors or automatisms.

Highway hypnosis is similar, where you don't remember the task you've done even though it's correct.

Otherwise, making a mistake due to habit/habituation?


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