I am doing a research project for school, and I'm trying to investigate the effectiveness of inhaling lavender oil in reducing anxiety.
I plan to measure the strength of alpha wave activities, as it seems to be commonly accepted as an index for the level of relaxation/anxiety. I may also measure the strength of gamma activity at the T3 location, for Oathes et al. have suggested that the increase in gamma power in that location is associated with worrying (https://dx.doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.biopsycho.2008.04.005).
(That being said, I know very little about EEG research and will ask about the details of conducting one in another post because this post is about the equipment)
We are in a high school, though a fairly well-resourced one, so our budget isn't too big. Ideally, I would like to obtain a research-grade EEG headset plus the related equipment (e.g. A/D converter) under 1000 dollars, at most 2000 dollars.
So, what are some brands and models that might be suitable for my situation?
I think I might as well ask about the process of analyzing the raw signals here. I've done some searching online, and many people recommended using EEGLAB, a toolbox for MATLAB. So I plan to purchase a MATLAB student license and install the free toolbox. Is that a good idea? If so, do you have any recommendations for resources that I can use to learn about using this tool for data analysis?