
I wanted to know what a suitable classical conditioning experiment would be to analyze learning and memory capabilities in rodent models with respect to hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP).

For example, I want to subject the animal to conditioning and test the behavioral readout at a certain time point after conditioning. Many , like fear conditioning experiments, are mostly attributed to amygdala processes.

I wish to know some classical conditioning task where I can understand primarily hippocampal processes.

Also is there a way to monitor hippocampal CA1-CA3 firing pattern after the training period or during the training ?

That is, I want to check if LTP will sustain after the training period or is there is any increased sustenance of LTP post training.

But if I am to do this electrophysiological experiment in hippocampal brain slices, how will I incorporate the conditioned and unconditioned aspect to this ?


1 Answer 1


Read this paper

Storage of Spatial Information by the Maintenance Mechanism of LTP

Eva Pastalkova*, Peter Serrano*, Deana Pinkhasova, Emma Wallace, André Antonio Fenton†, Todd Charlton Sacktor† http://www.sciencemag.org/content/313/5790/1141.short

It uses a conditioning task that is primarily hippocampal as it is a spatial navigation task. They monitor the strength of CA3-CA1 connections during and after training using the fEPSP (field excitatory post-synaptic potential) slope.

Also, for a review of hippocampal dependent tasks, see

The role of hippocampal subregions in memory for stimulus associations

Rosamund F. Langston, Cassie H. Stevenson, Claire L. Wilson, Ian Saunder, Emma R. Wood



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